The Next Generation of Access: OpenURL and Metasearch - National Information Standards Organization (NISO): "The Next Generation of Access: OpenURL and Metasearch
Day 1: The OpenURL and OpenURL Framework: Demystifying Link Resolution
Agenda for Day 1, The OpenURL and OpenURL Framework: Demystifying Link Resolution
Presentations from the OpenURL Workshop:
The Promise and History of the OpenURL, Oliver Pesch, EBSCO Publishing, Member of the NISO Board of Directors and member of the NISO OpenURL Committee.
Related Linking Standards: CrossRef and DOI, Ed Pentz, CrossRef
Why Should Publishers Implement the OpenURL Framework? Andrew Pace, North Carolina State University
Link Resolvers Explained
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex-Libris, USA
Mark Needleman, SIRSI Corporation
Matt Goldner, Fretwell-Downing Informatics
Practical Perspectives for Librarians on Link Resolver Selection, Implementation, Maintenance, Usability and User Education
Link Resolver Selection and Implementation, Frances Knudson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Link Resolver Do-It-Yourself Option, Thomas Dowling, OhioLINK
Using the Enhanced OpenURL Framework: Upgrading from Version 0.1 to 1.0, Ann Apps, University of Manchester, UK
What's On Your Mind? Ann Apps, University of Manchester, UK, and Eric Hellman, Openly Informatics
Translating Your Needs into Visions for the Future, Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Day 2: Metasearch: What It Is Now, What It Could Be, and How Standards Can Help Us Get There
Agenda for Day 2, Metasearch: What It Is Now, What It Could Be, and How Standards Can Help Us Get There
Presentations from the Metasearch Workshop:
An Overview of the Metasearch Environment, Roy Tennant, California Digital Library
Selecting, Impementing and Introducing a Metasearch Product: the Library Viewpoint:
Selecting a Metasearch product, Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
Using metasearch software not bundled in an ILMS, Wayne Hay, Westchester Library System, NY
Implementation and Introduction to Users, Bob Gerrity, Boston College
The Unbundled Option from a Corporate Library Perspective, George Curran, Information Center, Pfizer Inc.
Our Business Partners Respond - Avoiding Pitfalls, Following Best Practices - Voices of Experience
NISO Metasearch Initiative Planning Committee:
Peter Noerr, Muse Global
Paul Cope, Auto-Graphics, Inc.
Jennifer Hansen, WebFeat
The Publisher/Content Provider Viewpoint, Bruce Heterick and David Yakimischak, JSTOR New Standards and Guidelines Underway from NISO
Overview of How NISO Works, Pat Stevens, OCLC, chair, NISO Metasearch Initiative Planning Committee and Chair, NISO Standards Development Committee
Access Management and Authentication, Ted Koppel, The Library Corporation
Identifying Collections, Pat Stevens, OCLC
Search and Results Sets, Sara Randall, Endeavor
Impact on Usage Statistics and Solutions, Brad Buckley, Thomson/Gale
NISO Thanks These Generous Member Sponsors
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The Next Generation of Access:
OpenURL and Metasearch"