,hl=en,siteUrl='http://0ldfox.blogspot.com/',authuser=0,security_token="v_SeT2Tv8vVdKRCcG9CCW-ZdIfQ:1429878696275"/> Old Fox KM Journal

Sunday, May 23, 2004

www.AndrewSullivan.com - Daily Dish: SELF-PARODY ALERT: My favorite correction from the New York Times in a long time. Almost makes me nostalgic for the Captain Queeg era:

"An article on Monday about the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling that ended school segregation misstated a word in a paraphrase from President Bush, who attended a ceremony in Topeka, Kan. He called for a continuing battle to end racial inequality -- not equality."

You couldn't make this up. Speaking of which the cover story in Sunday's New York Times Magazine is a Susan Sontag essay. Yes, she's going to write about Abu Ghraib. And - yes! - the headline is: 'The Photographs Are Us.'
- 4:55:27 PM

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