Common Raccoon
Order Carnivora : Family Procyonidae : Procyon lotor (Linnaeus)
Description. A robust, medium-sized carnivore with distinctive, blackish facial mask outlined with white, and with alternating black and buff (or whitish) rings on the bushy tail; tip of tail black; general color of upperparts grayish, suffused with orange, and heavily sprinkled with blackish buff; top of head mixed gray and brownish black, giving a grizzled effect; throat patch brownish black; rest of underparts brownish, thinly overlaid with light orange buff; limbs similar to underparts, but becoming whitish on feet except for dusky marking near heels; the complete hind foot touches the ground when the animal walks; five toes on each foot, claws non-retractile; soles naked; pelage coarse, long, and full. Young like adults, but fur "woolly." Molar teeth "flat"-crowned and adapted for crushing, not for cutting as in dogs and cats. Dental formula: I 3/3, C 1/1, Pm 4/4, M 2/2 X 2 = 40. External measurements of adult male: total length, 880 mm; tail, 265 mm; hind foot, 125 mm; a female 834-243-123 mm. Weight, 4-13 kg.
Distribution in Texas. Statewide.
Habits. Raccoons are primarily inhabitants of broadleaf woodlands, although they are rather common in the mixed-pine forests of southeastern Texas. They seldom occur far from water, which seems to have more influence on their distribution than does any particular type of vegetation. Still, they are one of the most abundant carnivores in the semi-desert areas of West Texas.
They are strictly nocturnal and seldom are seen except when hunted with dogs or caught in traps. Their fondness for water is well-known and, except in seasons when fruits, nuts, and corn are maturing, they do most of their foraging near or in bodies of water. They often make well-worn trails at the water’s edge where they have been searching for food....
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