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Friday, May 27, 2005

It takes us 10min 17sec to decide that we are late

By Becky Barrow
(Filed: 27/05/2005)

You are stuck in traffic and there is clearly no chance of getting to your friend's dinner party on time. At what point do you call to offer apologies? The answer: 10mins 17secs, says research into Britain's 'lateness threshold' which is the point at which people feel it necessary to telephone and admit they are going to be late.
During that time, 12 babies will be born in England and Wales, there will be eight road accidents, 3,804 people will board an aeroplane and 590 million e-mails will be sent worldwide. About 10 per cent of people would not consider calling until at least 30 minutes beyond the 'agreed appointment time,' says the study, conducted by the motorists' website GetMeThere.co.uk.

More than 80 per cent of people in their 50s claim they are never late for anything because they are gripped by 'bus fuss' - the anxiety about being late for crucial events. But almost 70 per cent of young women believe it is 'acceptable, if not fashionable' to be late on a first date because it makes them feel that they would appear 'less desperate'.

On one subject, both men and women agree - they 'wouldn't care' if they were late for their mother-in-law's birthday party.

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