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Saturday, July 13, 2002

Here is a fascinating messga just in from Africa. It is URGENT:

----- Original Message -----
From: wanga mobutu seko
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 10:54 PM
Subject: URGENT

Dear Sir, I am Wanga Mobutu Sese-Seko, son of the late President Mobutu Sese-Seko of former Zaire, now Congo Democratic Republic. My family and I now live in exile, in Morocco. I believe you are aware through the International press how the European Government froze my late father bank accounts. Recently the French Government confiscated my father's Chateaux in Southof France. In view of this, my family and I are afraid to make any investment without a front. In this line, therefore, it is the wish of my family to solicit for a trustworthy and sincere person who will invest these fund under trusteeship. I am interested in making an enormous investment worth US$50Million in some parts of the world of which will be beneficiary to bothparties SOURCE OF FUND. Before the death of my father, he deposited the above stated funds with a security Firm here in Amsterdam. Hence I am in asylum here in lome. Therefore, I intend to have a front who will manage this funds and invest it into property development, buying of sharesstock in Multinational Companies and engage in non speculative investments and other relatedventures. As soon as I hear from you I will then aarrange a face-to-face meeting for us to deliberate on this investment. It will also give me the opportunity to assess your capability of handling this investment. Please, I will like you to send me your private telephone/fax numbers to allow me discuss privately. Meanwhile, reach me on the above email address. Kindly treat this matter with utmost confidentiality. Best Regards, Wanga Mobutu Sese-Sekocontact me via my e-mail wanga101@mail.com


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