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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Semantic Web

Tim Berners-Lee gives his Semantic Web 101 talk at the MIT Emerging Technologies Conference, September 29, 2004.

Visit the MITWorld video archives. http://mitworld.mit.edu/video/236/

"Here's what's coming: the "semantic web," a way of indexing and linking together different kinds of web content. He envisions computers becoming even more useful, deploying a common, non-proprietary "resource description framework" that enables them to draw connections between disparate sorts of information. "What's nifty", says Berners-Lee "is putting links between objects and even concepts. It allows a query on one database to morph into a query into others." He imagines the semantic web emerging as a "killer application" in the life sciences, where correlating data from different fields has become increasingly critical."

From Nancy Faget
US Army Corps of Engineers
Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity
Headquarters Library
7701 Telegraph Road Casey Building
Alexandria, VA 22315-3860

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