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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

CONVERA - RetrievalWare Categorization and Dynamic Classification

Categorization and Dynamic Classification

RetrievalWare's advanced Categorization and Dynamic Classification solution enables organizations to discover links, knowledge and expertise embedded within otherwise diverse and scattered information sources. More importantly, RetrievalWare presents the results of those discoveries in a view dynamically created by the user's search and work process context.

Users can launch a search and automatically classify the results based on pre-defined or dynamically generated classifications made possible through the combination of multiple taxonomies. These can consist of Convera's pre-packaged industry taxonomies, customer defined taxonomies or custom taxonomies supplied by Convera's Taxonomy Development Partners. By combining these classifications, users are able to isolate and discover critically relevant information that existing search and retrieval software cannot uncover.

How it Works
Using Convera's innovative taxonomy-based Categorization and Dynamic Classification technologies, together with the RetrievalWare Semantic Networks -- key concepts, relationships and linkages are extracted based upon taxonomic structures that are uniquely meaningful to a given organization. "

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