,hl=en,siteUrl='http://0ldfox.blogspot.com/',authuser=0,security_token="v_SeT2Tv8vVdKRCcG9CCW-ZdIfQ:1429878696275"/> Old Fox KM Journal : September 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lorem Ipsum...


Almost half a millennium ago a printer scrambled a galley of type to produce the first pangram for a specimen book. The text was in Latin, of course, and so only 23 letters were required (Latin does not use J , V or W; however V is now used to represent the consonantal U, and sometimes J to represent consonantal I).
The phrase was rather nonsensical Latin. It is the most famous Latin pangram text and it is still used, in a remarkably little-altered form, by typographical designers:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
diam nonnumy eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolo...

In itself this makes little sense, but a little research reveals that it is composed from fragments of a passage in Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (45BC):

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum
quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...

This means There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it, and wants to have it, simply because it is pain...

There are many, many versions of the lorem ipsum pangram sentence, and you are unlikely to come across any two which are identical. It has evolved slowly with use, through a combination of typing errors and deliberate – usually subtle – humorous additions. Some versions are no longer than the example given above, whilst others have been extended to several hundred words. Most importantly, especially when the text is used to demonstrate a font, the letters not found in the Latin alphabet have been added in too.

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