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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Free Week

FreeWeek is now in progress at elliottwave.com:
Great news from our friends at Elliott Wave International … you’re just a few clicks away from a FreeWeek of EWI's professional-grade intraday U.S. Stock Market forecasts!

If you’ve participated in one of their FreeWeeks before, you know what to expect. If this is your first time, you’re in for quite a treat!

Now through August 29 at noon EDT, anyone with a free Club EWI membership gets complete access to the U.S. portion of EWI's Stock Market Specialty Service that includes labeled price charts, detailed analysis and intraday forecasts of the S&P, DJIA, and NASDAQ at no cost!

A free Club EWI membership is all you need to get access to FreeWeek. Get a Club EWI User ID and Password now and receive immediate access to professional-grade intraday U.S. Stock Market forecasts, only during FreeWeek.

Get FreeWeek access now: here


We encourage you to tell your chat groups, friends, and colleagues, too. Just forward this email or post it to your chat groups. Enjoy your complete FreeWeek access to professional-grade intraday U.S. Stock Market forecasts!

Enjoy your complete FreeWeek access to EWI's professional-grade intraday U.S. Stock Market forecasts!

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