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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Growing with Knowledge Management


Growing with Knowledge Management
by Antony Satyadas
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We're of the opinion that knowledgement management is a timeless discipline, one in which the latest technology developments don't always dictate what you should do, and how you should do it. That's why we believe this article from 2003, very popular in its day, remains relevant and valuable today. --Editor
While the concept of knowledge management (KM) has been around since the early nineties, its acceptance as a tool to solve specific business issues has only recently been recognized. However, to many organizations, implementing a knowledge management strategy can initially appear to be a daunting and overwhelming task. Many questions must be addressed before users feel comfortable investing in a KM solution, including: Where do I begin? What technology do I need? How do I ensure the process is managed correctly? How do I measure the effectiveness of my knowledge management solution?

This article aims to answer these questions and arm you with the necessary steps and processes for implementing knowledge management within your organization.

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